Social Engineering
Understanding social engineering in various circles is diverse, but I try to get you to understand exactly what the core of a very popular hacking technique that.
Social engineering is actually a hacking technique to dig or search for any detail information of victims or targets on the Internet or by means of persuasive approach so that the attacker reaches its destination.
Interest attacker usually in the form of personal information such as date of birth, hobby wife's name that will be used as the material - material on hacking actual application. As for bruteforcing password list, even attacker will retrieve all documents considered necessary to find loopholes - loopholes confidential company or individual to carry out his evil actions.
Social engineering is to find a gap on the main factors that I call "humanity weakness" in which despite any sophisticated security system sometimes a factor of human frailty can make a great destruction. Human weakness which consists of factors careless, forgetting, too busy, relishing, making a very large hole.
Application of Social Engineering
Application of the SE by using backtrack os actually not too difficult. We have to use some of the tools that is used to:
- collection of information
- Create a password list for bruteforcing
- Phissing
- Execution Target
As in previous meetings we have learned about the use of some tools that are useful for finding the information a target
Google Hacking
Google hacking is actually a technique of searching for information about the target using search engines. Internet search
engine is actually a very valuable tool for many
information that intentionally or unintentionally in the input in it. So that the attacker exploit this technique to dig data2 hidden inside. Google hacking techniques typically use search strings or special operators with variants known by the name "dork"
Search operators cheat sheet
Web Search: allinanchor :, allintext :, allintitle :, allinurl :,allinanchor
:, cache :, filetype :, define id :, inanchor :, information :, intext :,
intitle :, inurl :, link :, site :, related phonebook :,:
Image Search: allinurl :, allintitle :, filetype :, inurl :,
site :, intitle: Groups allintext :, allintitle :, author :, group :,
insubject intext :, intitle :,:
Directory: allintext :, allintitle :, allinurl :, ext :, filetype :,
intext :, intitle :, inurl:
News: allintext :, allintitle :, allinurl :, intext :, intitle :,
:, inurl :, source location:
Product Search: allintext :, allintitle:
Search this operator be used to search for all the information on the website contained in the anchor text.
Example of use: allinanchor: zee-Eichel
These carriers Search function to search for all posts in the web page
Example: allintext: zee-Eichel
Search operators are used to find information contained in the website header title
Example: allintitle: zee Eichel
Search provider that serves to locate the information contained in the article title or the name of a specific address
Example: allinurl: zee Eichel
Search for articles or posts in accordance with the specified author
Example: author: zee Eichel
Showing information indexing or last cache of google on certain websites. Do not press space in this pengoprasian.
used to find information about the definition or understanding the word in the input
Example: define: backtrack
used to find a specific filetype by suffix
example: backtrack filetype: pdf
use + and combining several queries
we combine multiple queries can be the one to get more detail
example: inurl: backtrack filetype: pdf
We can also add operands + to add the query string
example: inurl: backtrack + zee Eichel
search for words backtrack on the url related to zee Eichel
Using google query string for information gathering
Example: site:
The string will display information only refers to the desired site .. or can we proceed further with
filetype: pdf site:
Then the command will search for files of type pdf there at the desired site
![Social Engineering Google Hacking and Metagoofil Social Engineering Google Hacking and Metagoofil](
Metagoofil are tools used to search for or collect information based on the type of document from a specific site that has been in indexing by Google